Pokemon Trading Post


global $wpdb;
echo ‘

echo ‘‘;
echo ‘‘;
echo ‘


$shouldDrawBasicForm = true;
$didSuccessfulSearch = false;

function DrawTradeFormStart()
echo “

echo ““;

function DrawTradeFormEnd()
echo ““;
echo “


function DrawCurrentTradeOffers()
global $wpdb;
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$theUserID = $user->data->ID;

// show trades people are offering me
echo “Trade offers from other people
$theSearchArray = $wpdb-> get_results (‘select * from montrades where destid=’.$theUserID);
if(!is_null($theSearchArray) || (sizeof($theSearchArray) == 0))
foreach($theSearchArray as $theSearchItem)
$theUserInfo = $wpdb->get_row(‘select user_nicename, ID from wp_xvywdt_users where ID=’.$theSearchItem->originid);
echo “

$theItems = explode(“,”, $theSearchItem->destlist);
foreach ($theItems as $item)
$theType = substr($item, 0, 4);
$theID = substr($item, 4);

echo “

//echo $theSearchItem-> destlist.” for “.$theSearchItem->originlist.”
echo “

$theItems = explode(“,”, $theSearchItem->originlist);
foreach ($theItems as $item)
$theType = substr($item, 0, 4);
$theID = substr($item, 4);

echo “

//echo $theSearchItem-> destlist.” for “.$theSearchItem->originlist.”
echo “

From “.$theUserInfo->user_nicename.”
DrawCard($theType, $theID, 128);
echo “
for… “;
DrawCard($theType, $theID, 128);
echo “

echo “You currently have no trade offers from other people.

echo “
My trade offers to other people
$theSearchArray = $wpdb-> get_results (‘select * from montrades where originid=’.$theUserID);
if(!is_null($theSearchArray) || (sizeof($theSearchArray) == 0))
foreach($theSearchArray as $theSearchItem)
$theUserInfo = $wpdb->get_row(‘select user_nicename, ID from wp_xvywdt_users where ID=’.$theSearchItem->destid);
echo “

$theItems = explode(“,”, $theSearchItem->originlist);
foreach ($theItems as $item)
$theType = substr($item, 0, 4);
$theID = substr($item, 4);

echo “

//echo $theSearchItem->originlist.” for “.$theSearchItem->destlist.”
echo “

$theItems = explode(“,”, $theSearchItem->destlist);
foreach ($theItems as $item)
$theType = substr($item, 0, 4);
$theID = substr($item, 4);

echo “

//echo $theSearchItem->originlist.” for “.$theSearchItem->destlist.”
echo “

To “.$theUserInfo->user_nicename.”
DrawCard($theType, $theID, 128);
echo “
for… “;
DrawCard($theType, $theID, 128);
echo “

echo “You currently have no trade offers.



$user = wp_get_current_user();
$theUserID = $user->data->ID;

if($theUserID == $_POST[‘originid’])
$theTimeVal = $wpdb->get_row(“SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP”);
foreach ($theTimeVal as $value)
$theVal = $value;
$wpdb->insert(‘montrades’, array(created=> $theVal, ‘originid’ => “”.$_POST[‘originid’].””, ‘destid’=> “”.$_POST[‘destid’].””, originlist => $_POST[‘originlist’], destlist => $_POST[‘destlist’], accepted => “0”, completed => “0”));
// the originating user id is not equal to our actual id
// if the user did a trade post
else if(isset($_POST[“trade”]))
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$theUserID = $user->data->ID;
$theirID = 0;

echo “Trade proposed:

$myArray = array();
$theirArray = array();
foreach($_POST as $tradeKey => $tradeItem)
if(strncmp(“TRADE”, $tradeKey, 5) == 0)
if($tradeItem == “on”)
$theData = substr($tradeKey, 5);
$theDataArray = explode(“_”, $theData);
$thisID = $theDataArray[0];
$thisType = $theDataArray[1];
$thisNumber = $theDataArray[2];
if($thisID == $theUserID)
$myArray[sizeof($myArray)] = $theDataArray;
$theirArray[sizeof($myArray)] = $theDataArray;
$theirID = $thisID;
// only if the user has a valid trade — items in my array and their array
if((sizeof($myArray) > 0) && (sizeof($theirArray) > 0))
echo “

echo ““;
echo ““;
echo ““;

$shouldDrawBasicForm = false;
echo “

$originlist = “”;
$destlist = “”;
foreach ($myArray as $itemArray)
if(strlen($originlist > 0))
$originlist .= “,”;
$originlist .= $itemArray[1].$itemArray[2];
echo “

foreach ($theirArray as $itemArray)
if(strlen($destlist > 0))
$destlist .= “,”;
$destlist .= $itemArray[1].$itemArray[2];
echo “

echo ““;
echo ““;
echo “

if(sizeof($myArray) == 1)
$cardsString = “card”;
$cardsString = “cards”;
echo “You are offering (“.sizeof($myArray).” “.$cardsString.”)…“;
echo “
if(sizeof($theirArray) == 1)
$cardsString = “card”;
$cardsString = “cards”;
echo “For (“.sizeof($theirArray).” “.$cardsString.”)…“;
echo “
DrawCard($itemArray[1], $itemArray[2], 128);
echo “
DrawCard($itemArray[1], $itemArray[2], 128);
echo “

echo “Do you want to send this offer to the other user?
echo “                        “;
echo ““;
echo “

//if the user did a pokesearch post
else if(isset($_POST[“pokesearch”]))
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$theUserID = $user->data->ID;
$theSearchArray = $wpdb-> get_results (‘select * from monbase where name rlike “‘.$_POST[‘pokesearch’].'”‘);
$didSuccessfulSearch = true;
foreach($theSearchArray as $theItem)
$theIdentifier = sprintf(“%s%03d”, $theItem->type, (int)$theItem->id);
$theUserSearchArray = $wpdb->get_results(‘select * from monpoke where cards rlike “‘.$theIdentifier.'” and userid!=’.$theUserID);
foreach($theUserSearchArray as $theUserItem)
$theUserInfo = $wpdb->get_row(‘select user_nicename, ID from wp_xvywdt_users where ID=’.$theUserItem->userid);
echo $theUserInfo->user_nicename;
DrawCards(“User #”.$theUserInfo->ID.”‘s Cards”, $theUserInfo->ID, true);

//echo $theUserItem->userid.”:”.$theUserItem->cards.”

DrawBasicForm(($didSuccessfulSearch ? true : false));

function GetTypeString($inType)
if($inType == “xyev”)
return “XY Evolutions”;
else if($inType == “xyst”)
return “XY Steam Siege”;
else if($inType == “xyfc”)
return “XY Fates Collide”;
else if($inType == “smoo”)
return “Sun and Moon”;
else if($inType == “smgr”)
return “Sun and Moon Guardians Rising”;

function GetTypeAbbreviation($cardID)
$theType = substr($cardID, 0, 4);
return $theType;

function GetCardNumber($cardID)
$theNumber = substr($cardID, 4, 3);
return $theNumber;

// if the user isn’t posting, they’re wanting to see the basic form with their cards
function DrawBasicForm($inDrawForm)
// code is 4 character type + 3 digit number like xyev008
$theItems = “xyev023,xyst042,xyfc100,smgr142,smoo101”;
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$theUserID = $user->data->ID;
//$wpdb->insert(‘monpoke’, array(‘userid’ => 1, ‘cards’=>$theItems));

//$wpdb->replace(‘monpoke’, array(‘userid’ => 1, ‘cards’=>$theItems));

DrawCards(null, $theUserID, $inDrawForm);
echo “


function DrawCard($inType, $inID, $inWidth)
global $wpdb;
$theFilePath = “/home/dh_rxtumv/legendesque.com/pokemon/”.$inType.”/”.$inID.”.jpg”;

$theScaleString = ‘width=”‘.$inWidth.'”‘;
// $theScaleString = ‘style=”-webkit-transform: scale(‘.$inScale.’); -moz-transform: scale(‘.$inScale.’); -ms-transform: scale(‘.$inScale.’); -o-transform: scale(‘.$inScale.’);” ‘;
$theScaleString = “”;

echo ““;
echo ““;

echo ““.GetTypeString($inType).” #”.(int)$inID.”
$theLink2 = $wpdb->get_row (‘select * from monbase where type=”‘.$inType.'” and id=”‘.$inID.'”‘);
$theRarity = $theLink2->rarity;
if($theLink2 != null)
echo ““.$theLink2->name.” – “.$theRarity.”

function DrawCards($inWhoseCards, $inUserID, $inDrawForm)
global $wpdb;
$theUserID = “”.$inUserID;
$theLink = $wpdb->get_row (‘select * from monpoke where userid=’.$theUserID);

$theIndex = 1;

$theArray = explode(“,”, $theLink->cards);
echo “
echo “

$whoseCards = ““.$inWhoseCards.”“;
$whoseCards = “My Cards“;
echo “

foreach($theArray as $item)
if(($theIndex % 4) == 1)
echo “

//echo $item.”
$theType = GetTypeAbbreviation($item);
$theNumber = GetCardNumber($item);
echo “

if(($theIndex % 4) == 0)
echo “



DrawCard($theType, $theNumber, null);

$theCheckName = “TRADE”.$inUserID.”_”.$theType.”_”.$theNumber;
echo ““;
echo “