Android: Netrunner LCG: Cyber War Corp Draft Pack


For Ages
Play Time

Designed by Richard Garfield, Lukas Litzsinger

Cyber War draft products for Android: Netrunner introduce a new draft format for the game. Players jointly build their decks in real time from a shared pool of random cards, then test their mettle against each other using these newly-built decks. Android: Netrunner players have been clamoring for a way to play the game in a draft format, and Cyber War delivers!

At the heart of this alternative format are randomized Cyber War Draft Packs for both Corp and Runner. The Corp Draft Pack is a selection of 40 randomized cards, drawn from a pool of 169 pre-selected Android: Netrunner cards. Compiled according to a custom algorithm, each unique 40-card Corp Draft Pack is printed and made available to you via Fantasy Flight Games in-house manufacturing.

Bring the excitement of draft play to Android: Netrunner! Each player in a Cyber War draft will require three separate packs:

One Draft Starter Pack – 11 cards and 2 IDs provides a fixed core of essential cards for both Corp and Runner
One Corp Draft Pack – a selection of 40 randomized Corp cards
One Runner Draft Pack – a selection of 40 randomized Runner cards

The cards in the Cyber War Draft Starter that are marked “draft only” are only legal within the draft play format. All other Cyber War draft cards can be found in standard Android: Netrunner LCG® products and are tournament legal while sleeved in opaque or art sleeves.

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For Ages
Play Time

Designed by Richard Garfield, Lukas Litzsinger

Cyber War draft products for Android: Netrunner introduce a new draft format for the game. Players jointly build their decks in real time from a shared pool of random cards, then test their mettle against each other using these newly-built decks. Android: Netrunner players have been clamoring for a way to play the game in a draft format, and Cyber War delivers!

At the heart of this alternative format are randomized Cyber War Draft Packs for both Corp and Runner. The Corp Draft Pack is a selection of 40 randomized cards, drawn from a pool of 169 pre-selected Android: Netrunner cards. Compiled according to a custom algorithm, each unique 40-card Corp Draft Pack is printed and made available to you via Fantasy Flight Games in-house manufacturing.

Bring the excitement of draft play to Android: Netrunner! Each player in a Cyber War draft will require three separate packs:

One Draft Starter Pack – 11 cards and 2 IDs provides a fixed core of essential cards for both Corp and Runner
One Corp Draft Pack – a selection of 40 randomized Corp cards
One Runner Draft Pack – a selection of 40 randomized Runner cards

The cards in the Cyber War Draft Starter that are marked “draft only” are only legal within the draft play format. All other Cyber War draft cards can be found in standard Android: Netrunner LCG® products and are tournament legal while sleeved in opaque or art sleeves.