Lord of the Rings LCG: The Dread Realm Nightmare Deck


Players For Ages Play Time
1-2 13+ 60min

Designed by Nate French

Play your part in the climactic confrontation between the Rangers of the North, the Elves of Rivendell, and the forces of evil massing in the fortress of Carn Dum! When first released, the Angmar Awakened Cycle of Adventure Packs for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game allowed fans to brave their first steps into the lands once ruled by the Witch-king of Angmar…and those steps quickly turned into a march upon one of the Dark Lord`s greatest strongholds. Now three new Nightmare Decks recast the cycle`s final chapters for use in the game`s darker and more challenging Nightmare Mode. Each twenty-card deck introduces deadlier enemies, more foreboding locations, and treacheries designed to test your mettle. In keeping with the cycle`s thematic use of dark secrets, necromancy, and the undead, these Nightmare Decks introduce new side quests that offer many surprising twists and turns.

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